M16 the great @m16thegreat joined us on @str8outdatrunkradio this past Monday to discuss IE politics,talked about the importance of a properly rolling out…
Monday night we had Mar Keith Anthony @markeithanthonyofficial pull up! We Discussed his artistry, talked about the many different hats he…
Previously On Str8OutDaTrunkRadio we had Ruggo come through talked about starting Music at the age of 12 , growing up and being…
Written By : DEE On March 12 Sham1016 released his second album, “Everybody’s Enemy”, expanding his talent and sound. “Everybody’s…
Str8OutDaTrunk Radio Combines Rap Culture Flea Market and Thrift Shopping. Location : PlayoffsSfv ( Vintage Sports Boutique ) 20935 Vanowen…