House Of Orange (Chasing Summers) Q&A

By : R.I.B.

1. Explain the Name “House Of Orange”

The word “orange” symbolizes creativity and freedom of expression. I wanted to make a brand that would allow me to offer my creative opinion on different mediums like fashion, art, media, etc. Really anything that I can get my hands on. So in this house you have diff rooms and right now the first room is fashion.  I also love the name “House of Orange” because it’s ambiguous. You don’t know what or who that is by just hearing the name. I think that’s dope, I’m big on the element of surprise. 

2. To label House Of Orange as what Street Wear ? High Fashion ? Or Hipster? & Why ?

That’s a great question. I mean what is street wear nowadays? You have Louis Vuitton and Balenciaga doing so called street wear. I would label “House of Orange” as just a brand that does fashion. I don’t want to box my self in but ultimately I want to compete against those  higher end brands.

3. Describe the Newest Launch “Chasing Summers” ? Why the Name ?

 “Chasing Summers” was inspired by my trip to Australia a couple years back. The ocean and the nature that’s out there is just different and I’ve been chasing that high ever sense. Even if you haven’t been to Australia or Mexico there’s a feeling we all get when it’s 85 degrees and clear skies in LA. It just feels good and it’s really hard to explain but that feeling right there is what I was trying to capture in this drop.  There was a time where it was looking like we weren’t even going to have a summer at all In LA because of Corona. I think all of us was chasing summer, doing anything possible to get out the house. So there’s multiple inspirations behind this drop.

4. Who are some Brands / designers House Of Orange Looks Up to and admire  as a collective ?

Umm There’s a few and I wouldn’t just limit it to designers but I fuck with what Rhude is doing. They are from the city so that’s dope. I’m a big fan of Virgil Abloh. He’s the reason why I jumped into fashion head first. I am also a big fan of Drake, Jay Z , Nipsey Hussle, Steve Jobs. I could go on forever. Really anyone that I can learn from and who really takes their time with their craft.

5. What are some of the rolls the team part takes in when it comes to a New Drop  ?

Right now it’s a small team. It’s just me and my business partner  Tone. I would say I handle majority of the marketing aspect of “House of Orange”. I have a certain vision for the brand so I take that really seriously. Tone handles all the visuals for the brand and he’s been going crazy lately with that. When it comes to designing we usually come up with a design direction and we both disappear for a couple of weeks. We come back with designs and we pick which ones are the best or if we see potential in a design we collaborate on it. I think when you are doing anything creative you should definitely collaborate and ask others for their opinion because you aren’t always going to have the right answers.

6. Where do you see the Brand “House Of Orange “ in the next 5 years ?

I see “House of Orange” being a real staple in the fashion industry. I want to be in the high end stores, I want to do Paris fashion week, I want to design a shoe and have a legendary collab. Hopefully New Balance . Just a real respectable brand that is known for pushing fashion forward. Because if you not in it to be legendary than why do it you know.