Written by : Jess Lynn

Inglewood’s own Griff Tyler is back to heat up the summer with another highly anticipated, well-crafted body of work titled Played to the Left. This time around, following up his previous album Play your Cards Right, he introduces his current stance on dealing with women, some of the games they play in the dating scene and how to maneuver the toxic playing field. He goes on to share his new insight on his own toxic approaches, which permits this project to be multi-faceted. Giving us a playful, sexy, transparent and even triggering feeling in some instances. Anyone who gives it a listen is sure to feel understood and a bit more knowledgeable on dealing with each unique dating scenario.
During the promotional run of his album roll-out, Griff Tyler and his incredible team curated an exclusive listening event that was strictly for the ladies. They invited each woman in LA media that has ears to the streets and who their team felt had a credible ear for music and who’s opinion they respected in a real way. Several tracks jumped out to the ladies who listened and instantly elevated the event into the perfect vibe for all of the fly ladies in the building. Victoria’s Secret was one of those tracks that instantly got the crowd moving, bringing a sultry vibe that complimented the flow of the album. Whereas Weak Moments featuring Kyle Banks & Kiilynn gives the listeners a bit of toxic flattery between the male and female. He also brings in Inglewood’s Rucci to deliver the playful yet hostile track titled Runnin Game which expresses the general frustration men have when dealing with women who get a kick out of playing hard to get. Also giving us Compete featuring Airplane James that includes a familiar r&b sample that was one of the true crowd favorites. Overall, this wonderfully arranged album is a perfect follow up to the previous project that gives some hope into starting something new with someone, that has apparently taken the wrong turn and shows us what it feels like to be Played to the Left. Be sure to stream Griff Tyler’s latest project on all platforms and add it to your summer playlist.