FAOL (@FuckAnOrdinaryLife)

By : Dane Webb


Do You have a Fashion Role Model ?

Never really had one. I always had a strong liking for skate culture though. So my style is influenced by the skate life as well as a bit goth-ish. When I started designing my own apparel, I was able to encapsulate the skate life mixed with the ‘hot topic’ look which ultimately displays how I like to dress.


Do you read fashion magazines?

I currently don’t read any fashion mags. I never really had an interest in them. Never really had a interest in reading magazines period haha. I just always wanted to be in one and even have my own.


 Is your brand politically inspired in regards to standards of living if not what’s your inspiration??

Is my brand politically inspired? Nah man. My brand is named FAOL® which stands for FuckAnOrdinaryLife® . That is just the way I live, politics have nothing to do with it. But to be politically correct, I do wtf I want. My brand’s inspiration derives from that mindset alone. We all have the power to be great. We can do what we want to do, question is, how bad do you really want to do it? Its FuckAnOrdinaryLife® because we go after ANY and EVERYTHING without letting ANYONE or ANYTHING stand in our way from obtaining what we truly want….because in essence no one has an ordinary life. Ya dig.


Are you the designer?

Yes, I am the designer, content creator, creative director, photographer and even model for my brand.


Any mask created for COVID-19?

No, I haven’t created any masks for COVID. Reason being, I just thought it was corny. Me making a cloth mask and capitalizing off of it knowing genuinely it doesn’t stop the spread of covid. Idk I didn’t want to do that. Ill stick to my niche; graphic tees.


 Do you have material specific to FAOL?

The tees I create are 1 of 1s. So essentially they are specific to FAOL® .